This year Mother’s Day falls on Sunday 11th March. It’s always nice to receive handmade gifts and most mums will appreciate a Mother’s Day present lovingly made by their child. Here at Early Learning Furniture we have found a few easy craft ideas for young children to make for their mum this Mother’s Day:
CD Coaster
This is a great way to use old CDs or DVDs. You will need:
- Unwanted CD or DVD
- Patterned wrapping paper or large photo printed on standard paper
- PVA glue
- Pens

- If using a photo, glue the photo onto the printed side of disc, making sure the image is in the centre of the disc.
- If using wrapping paper, glue the paper to the printed side of the disc making sure the pattern is where you want it to be on the disc.
- When dry, trim the photo or paper to size.
- Add a message with pens, such as “Happy Mother’s Day!”
- To seal, paint over the image and edges with PVA glue.
- When first coat is dry, paint a second coat of glue and leave to dry.
- Your CD coaster is now finished. If you wish, why not make a whole set with photos of different members of the family or different patterned paper?

Tissue Paper Flowers
These flowers are easy to make and will last a lifetime. You will need:
- Coloured tissue paper (6 tissue paper circles for each flower)
- Buttons or beads
- Green pipe cleaners
- Scissors
- Cut out 6 small circles of tissue paper (each about 10cm in diameter)
- Make two small holes in the centre of each circle
- Thread the pipe cleaner through one hole of all six circles and through the bead or one hole of the button
- If using a bead thread the pipe cleaner through the other hole in the circles. If using a button, thread the pipe cleaner back through the other button hole and holes in the circles.
- Twist the pipe cleaner to hold everything in place
- Scrunch each circle of paper separately to get a textured flower effect.
- You can make a single flower or try making a bunch of flowers in different colours or different sizes. You can stand them in a vase on display and they will never wilt!

Fingerprint Flower Cards
These cards are such a simple but effective idea and are very easy to make. You will need:
- Coloured or white A4 card
- Felt tip pens
- Coloured paint
- Fold a piece of A4 card in half
- On the front of the card using different coloured paints make fingerprints in the shape of flowers. You could do single fingerprints for small flowers or do them in a circle with one in the middle for a bigger flower. Use your imagination to make different shaped flowers. But don’t forget to use a different finger for each colour or wash hands between using different colours.
- If you wish, draw flower stalks with a green pen
- Write a message on the front, such as “Happy Mother’s Day” or “To My Mummy”
- Write your message inside and give the card on Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day Coupons
Mother’s Day coupons are a really good idea for older children. They are basically promises that the child will do for their mum on Mother’s Day.
The coupons can be for anything from breakfast in bed or doing the washing up to making a cup of tea or baking a cake. Use your imagination to make a coupon for something you know mums will like or appreciate.
You can create coupons on the computer and print them out or simply draw or write them on paper and decorate them. How about designing a few coupons and making them into a coupon book?
We wish all mums a relaxing and Happy Mother’s Day and hope these ideas give some inspiration for something special to make for mums.
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