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Autumn Activities for Kids

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Early Learning Furniture


28 September 2015

Autumn Activities for Kids

Autumn is officially here – days are getting shorter, there’s a chill in the air and the leaves are changing colour. There are some great activities to do at this time of year with young children – here are a few ideas to keep you busy over the next few months:

Wrap up and get outside for a nature walk. Go to your nearest woods, park or forest and see what you can find. Talk to children about how things change in the autumn. Take a bag and make a collection of things you find – leaves, fruits, acorns, conkers, pine cones etc. When you get home you could even make an autumn nature table and sort out your collection. Another idea is to take a sticky label out with you and stick things on as you find them to create a mini autumn collage.

Fruit Picking

At this time of year lots of fruits are coming into season – apples, pears, plums and blackberries, to name just a few. Take a trip to your nearest ‘pick your own’ farm to harvest some fruit. Or have a wander along the hedgerows to pick blackberries. Once you have your fruit then work together in the kitchen to make something delicious – one of our favourites is apple and blackberry crumble.


As the leaves change colour and fall from the trees there are loads of things you can do with them. For example:

  • Leaf prints – paint leaves on one side and press down onto paper to make a print. You can do this with different types of leaves to make all sorts of patterns.
  • Leaf rubbing – place a piece of paper over a leaf and rub over with a crayon to see the pattern come through.
  • Collage – stick leaves onto paper to create an autumn collage. Add other craft items such as wool, stickers, glitter to make your collage even better.

Nature Crowns

Make a nature crown by cutting a strip of paper to fit your child’s head. Decorate with all sorts of autumn things like leaves, feathers, seeds etc. Fit around your child’s head and fix the ends together with tape. Your child can now be an autumn king or queen!

Get Cooking

Cooking something in the kitchen with your child is a great activity, especially on a rainy day. Why not make some leaf shaped biscuits? You can use leaf-shaped biscuit cutters if you have some, or cut leaf shapes out of the dough with a knife. Once baked, decorate with autumnal coloured icing, or just eat and enjoy!

Finger Painting

Get creative and make a finger paint tree. It’s a simple idea – draw a tree trunk and branches, or even use a hand print for the trunk and branches. Then use finger prints to create the leaves. Use a range of autumnal coloured paints – orange, red, yellow and brown – and make an autumn picture any child would be proud of.

Apple Bobbing

With Halloween on the horizon, apple bobbing is a fun game to play. Simply fill a bowl with water, put some apples in and try to pick them out only using your teeth. Please be safe around water and do not leave children unattended. And remember to have towels ready as it can get a bit wet!

Feed the Birds

Autumn is a good time of year to help feed birds. Try making your own fat balls or bird cake to hang outside to feed them. Mix melted fat (suet or lard) with a mixture of dried ingredients such as seeds, nuts, dried fruit, oats, grated cheese, breadcrumbs, cake crumbs, chopped apple. Use one third fat to two-thirds dry ingredients. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl, add the melted fat and combine. Use clean, dry, empty yoghurt pots as your containers.

Make a hole in the bottom of the pot and thread a length of string through. Press the mixture into the pot around the string (this will be used for hanging your fat ball) and leave to set in the fridge. Once solid, remove the pot, tie a big knot in the string at one end of the ball to secure it. Hang on a tree, shrub or birdfeeder and wait for the birds to feast!  

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