We are delighted to reveal that at Early Learning Furniture we have raised £3700 for various charities during 2016.
As a growing business providing early years’ classroom furniture and education equipment, we want to give back to our community. We have held various charity events throughout 2016 and, not only have they been great fun but we have raised a lot of money at the same time.
In March we set ourselves a sporty challenge for Sport Relief – to cover 200 miles on a treadmill over 5 days, that’s 40 miles a day! As a team we walked, jogged and ran our way to raising £2280. A big thank you to many of our suppliers who sponsored our Sport Relief run.

In June our team of Muddy Madams took part in Pretty Muddy in aid of Cancer Research UK. This 5km obstacle race with mud was great fun and resulted in £955 being raised through sponsorship family, friends and colleagues.

In September we were part of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support. The talented bakers amongst us produced the wares and we raised £144.

In November we put on our PJs for Pudsey and raised £196 for Children in Need.

To end the year in style we celebrated Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day, raising £125, and collected 340 items of food and toiletries which we donated to Peterborough Food Bank.

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our staff for their participation and generosity and we look forward to more fundraising in 2017.